Of the dozens of companies now making multi-tools, only a handful have been producing them as long as SOG. But what else sets SOG apart from the rest? In a world of 'folding-tools-in-plier-handle' style multi-tools, sometimes you need to look a little closer at the details within...
Look closely at where the pliers meet the body of a SOG multi-tool... see those small gears? That's SOG's patented Compound Leverage technology, and since its introduction in 1996 it's been a game changer.

Although a simple concept, Compound Leverage delivers in a big way. The technology works by employing multiple pivot points that generate greater handle travel in relation to plier movement. The result is a leverage advantage of approximately twice the power of a conventional multi-tool, which makes every cut smoother and stronger grip easier. The mechanics of Compound Leverage also allows for smooth one-handed opening - pick one up, use the pliers and feel the difference. Once you've used Compound Leverage, you're likely to become a SOG convert.
Even the smallest SOG MTs include Compound Leverage, such as the Aegis MT, PowerPint, PowerLitre and Flash MT. On equivalent tools from other manufacturers, the pliers are little more than decoration, with little practical use - with Compound Leverage, even the pocket-sized pliers are transformed into a useable tool. After all, that's what SOG's design is all about - why have something if you can't use it?
Following from that, where some manufacturers see one opportunity SOG will often see multiple. The more you look at the ParaShears, the more you find. Alongside the Compound Leverage powered shears, you'll find a glass breaker and oxygen tank wrench in the handle... that's in addition to the nine other locking tools nestled in there.
Using the corkscrew on the PowerLitre? Open the latch on the opposite side to rest on the neck of your bottle for even more leverage - a feature usually only found on full size corkscrews.
Those covers on the PowerLock don't just protect the tools inside, they provide a rounded, comfortable grip for your hands when you're really clamping down with the pliers.

There's a limit to what you can fit inside the handles of a plier, but close your PowerLitre, PowerPint or PowerAccess and the reverse of the pliers have a magnetised slot to fit screwdriver bits... simple yet effective. Then on the PowerLock and PowerAssists, you'll find our military heritage coming in to play... instead of the screwdriver slot, you'll find the blasting cap crimpers that make these the tools of choice for EOD (Explosive Ordinance Disposal) operators across the globe.
SOG's lifetime warranty is unbeatable. We still service SOG multi-tools that have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. The beauty of MTs like the PowerLock is that the components are replaceable and, to an extent, customisable with no need for specialist tools.
Look after your SOG and it'll look after you, and we'll look after you if it happens to go wrong.